
Many individuals contributed to the production of these web-site pages on the Regiments's tours in China and Hong Kong. There were many individual stories, among them, particular thanks must go to Major Roger Jennings and Major 'Effie' Howard and CSM Bob Riley and the late Captains (QM) Bill Roadnight MBE, and Charlie Litton and the late In-Pensioner RSM 'Jock' Henderson MM.

The Hong Kong Tourist Board (1996) and Museum assisted with material and photographs, Derek Taylor for the artwork badge of HMS Ark Royal and Wright and Logan for supplying the photo of HMS Ark Royal. To the Trustees of our museum for allowing many of the photographs to be used from our archives, Penny James and Roy Harding for their help in locating photo albums and other related material. The late Major Peter Hill for his patience in checking and rechecking the various narratives. Lieutenant Colonel Anson Squire for the many hours he spent typing and retyping articles. Colonel Toby Sewell for his help and assistance with the Queen's Surreys, Chris Collins and Wally Heath, Michael Booker for advice on Hong Kong today.



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