Colonel T MacD Baker CBE TD DL
Commanding Officer - The East Surrey Regiment
Commanded 6th Bn The East Surrey Regiment from 1st January 1928 to 31st December 1931.
Thomas MacDonald Baker, affectionately known as "MacD", was born on 1st August 1894 and educated at Radley College. He was commissioned in 6th Bn The East Surrey Regiment in 1911. He served with the 1/6th Battalion in India and Aden from 1914 to 1919. He was wounded in Aden in 1917. He rejoined the 6th Battalion on its reformation in 1920 and served as company commander and detachment commander. After a few years on the reserve of officers he was appointed to command the 6th Battalion with effect from 1st January 1928. In 1927 it had been decided that the Battalion would abandon Rifle Corps traditions and change its buttons from black to brass and adopt the drill and customs of a Line Regiment. In consequence in June 1928 he commanded the parade when Colours were presented and the Battalion became totally absorbed in The East Surrey Regiment. He relinquished command on 31st December 1931 and was promoted Colonel on 1st January 1932. He served on the Surrey Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association until 1960. In 1948 he was appointed Honorary Colonel of the 6th Battalion which appointment he held until the Battalion was amalgamated with 23rd London Regiment to form 4th Bn The Queen’s Royal Surrey Regiment on the 1st Apri1 1961. He was appointed Honorary Colonel of the new Battalion and retired on 28th October 1961. Colonel Baker was a Solicitor in civilian life and for many years was legal adviser to both The East Surrey Regiment and The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment. From 1934 to 1960 he was Solicitor to the Metropolitan Police.
He died on 31st December 1976.
For obituary see The Queen's Royal Surrey Regimental Association Newsletter No 21 May 1977 page 9.
For other details of service see the Journal of The East Surrey Regiment Vol III No 51 February 1932 page 32, and Vol III (New Series) No2 May 1948 pages 85 and 86.
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