Surrey Infantry Museum
Formerly the Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment Museum,
previously located at Clandon Park, Surrey
Clandon Fire and the Museum
On April 29th 2015 Clandon Park, including the Surrey Infantry Museum, was destroyed by fire... A third of the medal collection and all the medal ribbons, plus other irreplaceable artefacts such as the football famously kicked across No Man’s Land at the Battle of the Somme, were lost in the fire.
The salvage operation has taken two years. Restoration specialists Farcroft, was appointed by the museum’s insurers, Ecclesiastical. Approximatelyl 1,400 medals that remained in the debris have since been painstakingly recovered
Follow the progress of the Salvage Operation of artefacts at the former Surrey Infantry Museum, Clandon House. Salvaging and restoring a piece of history »
Read the Daily Telegraph Article - November 2018 »
'Regimental colours from World War One will 'replace those lost' in Clandon Park fire...' November 2015 »
Restoration of 'The Lovelace Tankard'
(by Farcroft - Restoration Specialists)
Medals of Major General Whitfield - The Onslow Room
Photo credit: Andrew Crowley
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