Colonel Alexander Lutterell
(orĀ Lutterall)
The second in command, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Lutterell,
who had served with the Regiment since its formation, immediately
assumed command. He was a West Country man whose family for generations
were the owners of Dunster Castle in Somerset (now National Trust
property). He had previously seen service in the Flanders campaign
of 1694-1697 with an infantry unit which later became the 19th
Regiment of Foot.
After an unsuccessful attempt to capture Barcelona on l9th May, Lutterell’s Marines took part in the capture of Gibraltar on 21st July 1704. They formed part of the heroic garrison which held on to the Rock through the long and bitter siege which lasted until 18th April the following year. Lutterell remained in command during the second and successful attack on Barcelona in October 1705, but he retired from the Active List on 31st January 1706. Colonel Lutterell died in September 1714.
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