Colonel The Lord Henry Beauclerk
Lord Henry Beauclerk was the fourth son of the first Duke of St Albans and was born in 1701. His first commission was at an early age as he was appointed Ensign in the 31st Foot on 12th October 1717. Progressively he became a Captain in the 3rd Foot in October 1727 and transferred to the 1st Foot Guards in May 1735.
He was appointed Colonel of the 48th Regiment on 14th March 1743 but returned to his old Regiment, the 31st, when King George II appointed him Colonel of the Regiment on 22nd April 1745. It must have been disconcerting to him, therefore, to find that for some time after his appointment, and certainly at the Battle of Fontenoy, the Regiment was still frequently referred to as “Handasyd’s”.
He retired from service on 8th May 1749 and died in 1761.
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