General Clement Alexander Edwards GB
He was born on 12th November 1812. From Gentleman Cadet, R M C 1827; Ensign without purchase, 31st Foot 11th June 1829; to 18th Foot 9th July 1829; Lieutenant, by purchase, 28th November 1834; Captain, by purchase, 13th March 1840; Assistant Quartermaster-General, Expeditionary Force, China, from 20th December 1842 to 30th November 1844; Brevet Major, 11th November 1851; Major, without purchase, 25th May 1853; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, 9th December 1853; Brevet Colonel, 28th November 1854; Lieutenant Colonel, without purchase, 9th March 1855; Brigadier-General, Bombay, from August 1858 to October 1859; exchanged to 49th Foot, 3rd August 1860; to Half Pay 4th August 1863; Inspecting Field Officer, Bristol, 3rd April 1866 to 5th July 1867; Inspector-General of Recruiting Headquarters of Army, 6th July 1867 to 31st July 1873; Major-General, 19th April 1868; Lieutenant General, 17th March 1876; Colonel, 2nd The Queen’s, 15th March 1877; to 18th Foot, 25th March 1877; General, 10th August 1878; died 29th July 1882.
Served with the 18th Royal Irish throughout the war in China, 1841-42 (Medal) and was present at the attack upon Canton, the taking of Amoy, Chapoo, Wusung, Shanghai and Chin-Kiang, and at the concluding operations before Nankin; was employed on the Staff during the war; and afterwards appointed, by Lord Gough, Assistant Quartermaster-General to the Forces in China. Served also with the 18th in the Burmese War, from July 1851 to the conclusion; was at the taking of Prome, and employed on a detached command for six months, when the provinces of Padoung and Kanghlin were cleared of the enemy, after several skirmishes and severe marches by the detachments under his command; in January 1853 he led a party on special service from Prome to Arracan, for which service the Government of India and General Godwin recorded their approbation (Medal with Clasp for Pegu, and Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel). Served in the Crimea from the 30th December 1854, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, CB, Brevet of Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honour 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the Brigade at Mhow, at the termination of the Indian Mutiny in 1858-59, and received the thanks of the Governor-General in Council for the promptness of measures whereby the rebels under Tantia Topee were prevented entering Kandlish.
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