Lieutenant General Sir James Holmes Schoedde KCB
He was born in 1786 and gazetted Ensign in May 1800; Lieutenant 8th October 1801; Captain by purchase 19th September 1805; Brevet Major 21st June 1813; Major by purchase 20th January 1825; Lieutenant Colonel by purchase 20th March 1829 to command the 55th; Colonel, 23rd November 1841. Served in the Egyptian Campaign of 1801. In the Peninsular from 1808 to the end of the War including the Battles of Roleia, Vimiera, Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes D’Onor, Cuidad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes and Toulouse. Gold Medal from the Grand Seignor for the Egyptian Campaign; Army Gold Medal for Nivelle, Military General Service medal with fourteen bars.
Commanded a Brigade at the assault and capture of Chapoo, Woosung and Shanghai and the city of Chin Keang Foo (China Medal and KCB). Major General 20th June 1854, Colonel, The 2nd or Queen’s 1856-57, Lieutenant General 23rd April 1860. Colonel, 55th Foot 28th May 1857 to November 1861. He died on the 14th November 1861.
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