Lieutenant General Thomas Fowke
Cornet 1704; his father resigned his company to him, and served as an Ensign under his son Captain, in Lepell’s Regiment of Foot, 30th June 1707; exchanged to Inniskilling Regiment of Foot as Captain, 26th December 1711; Major, Somerset L.I, 1716; Lieutenant Colonel, 7th Dragoons, 25th June 1720; Lieutenant Colonel in Lieutenant-General Kerr’s Regiment (7th Hussars), 25th June 1722; raised the 43rd Foot, as its Colonel, January 1741; Colonel, 2nd Queen’s. 12th August 1741; Brigadier-General, 12th June 1745; Major-General, 10th September 1747; Lieutenant-General, 30th April 1754; Colonel, 14th Foot, 11th November 1755 to 7th September 1756; Governor of Gibraltar, 25th December 1752 to 1756; tried by Court Martial for not having sent reinforcements to Minorca, which had to surrender, June 1756, and sentenced to be suspended for nine months; but the King, George II, directed that he should be dismissed the service; reinstated in his former rank, 10th August 1761; died at Bath 1765.
Served as Brigadier-General at the battle of Preston Pans 1745; and as a Major-General on the Staff in Flanders in 1748.
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