Officers of 1 Surreys

North African Campaign

Captain Alden, G E George PW Escaped. KIA Italy 17.6.44
Captain Andrews, P E C Peck / Peter  
Major Andrews, R A N Roger Wounded
Lieut Birdsall, G E George QM. Italy, Major & MBE
Captain Botterell, G D Giles Wounded. Italy MBE
Lieut Briggs, D M Douglas Wounded
Major Brooke Fox, J F V Foxy / John KIA 26.2.43
Major Buchanan, T A MC. Buck Wounded. Later 2 i/c and CO 5 Northamptons. Italy CO 1 R Fusiliers. DSO
Lieut Burditt, J M    
Major Caffyn, W D Bill PW. Escaped in Italy
Lieut Cecil, E R Eric KIA 4.12.42
Revd Cooper, W G P Padre / Gough RAChD
Lieut Crabtree, H Crabbers PW. Escaped in Italy. Later Major
Lieut Crampton, N Norman KIA 27.11.42
Lieut Evans   Wounded
Lieut Everitt, G M George PW
Lieut Fell, D W
Doc RAMC. KIA 12.11.42
Major Finch White, B du B MC. Finch 2 i/c
Lieut Foster, D C Doug Wounded
Lieut Geddes, I K Ian I0. KIA 12.11.42
Captain Giles, E H MC Teddy Wounded. Bar to MC Italy. Later Major
Lieut Hall, F C Peter Missing
Lieut Hall, G W    
Lieut Heal, P S S Peter Wounded
Lieut Heath, R W Ray  
Major Hill, P G E
Lieut Hope, S Stanley Wounded
Lieut Kinden, R F Dick Wounded. PW.
Lieut Lamb, M Mervyn KIA 7.4.43
Captain Lindsay, R A Ronald KIA 26.2.43
Lieut Lord Doc RAMC
Lieut Louis, J F Chips Wounded, KIA Italy 20.4.45
Lieut Lyne, M Michael To 56 Recce
Lieut McMillan, I B Ian Wounded
Captain Millard, J M G Jack Carriers
Captain Payne, H F Harold Adjt Wounded
Captain Plater, K N Kenneth Sigs Officer. Wounded. Later Major
Lieut Rider, L S Leo Mortars. PW
Lieut Robinson, E W MC. Doc RAMC
Lieut Rook, D   PW.
Lieut Saunders, J A H Jake DSO and MC in Italy.
Lt Col Smith, H B L MC. Harry 2 i/c 2 Lancashire Fus. Later Colonel
Captain Smith, P H G Godfrey Wounded. KIA Italy 7.10.43
Captain Taylor, R C Toby Wounded. Later Major
Captain Tuck, J P Friar  
Captain Wadham, PHS MC. Pat I0. Wounded
Lieut Whiffen, P Philip Wounded. PW
Lt Col Wilberforce, W B S J A E, DSO Bill KIA 6.5.43
Lieut Wooodhouse, J M Jock / Charles Battle Patrol. MC and PW in Italy
Lieut Watkyns   KIA 7.4.43


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