From General Sir Richard Foster,
K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.
Colonel of The East Surrey Regiment,
Ladywell, Speen,
Newbury, Berks.
On behalf of everyone in the Regiment I send you the
heartiest of welcomes; we are really delighted to think that
you are back home. We know that our 2nd Battalion
had a tremendous task to perform in the withdrawal of some 500 miles
to Singapore; we also know that you acquitted yourselves
nobly land maintained the fine tradition of the Battalion and
the Regiment.
For over three and a half years you have been in the hands of a cruel
and barbaric enemy and it has, perhaps been difficult for
us at home and those on other fronts to realise your hardships.
None the less our thoughts, and I may add our prayers, have
been with you all the time, and we thank God that you are
back. There are, however, a number who can never return -
we mourn their loss but they will not be forgotten.
Ever since the war with Japan started we made arrange-
ments to send you out parcels for comforts and it has been
heartbreaking that our brutal enemy prevented this succour.
That you may now enjoy peace and happiness is the wish
of us all.
Yours sincerely,