General Cyrus Trapaud
Cyrus Trapaud was descended from a family of distinction in France.
He was related to Marshal Turenne and other noblemen in that country.
His father was a Protestant, and was forced by persecution to seek
asylum in England.
Cyrus Trapaud entered the British Army, and was many years an officer in the Buffs. He accompanied his Regiment to the Netherlands in 1742, served at the Battles of Dettingen in 1743, and of Fontenoy in 1745. Returning to Great Britain in the same year, he served in 1746 at the battles of Falkirk and Culloden. In February 1750 he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the Buffs, and commanded them in the expedition to the coast of France in 1757. He also served at the attack on Martinique and commanded a Brigade at the reduction of Guadalupe in 1759.
He was appointed Colonel, The 70th Regiment on 10th July 1760. As Colonel of the 70th he was renowned for courageous and gentlemanly behaviour.
In 1768, presumed to be by desire of the Colonel, the facings of the uniforms of the 70th Regiment were changed by Royal Warrant from grey to black. In May 1778, Lieutenant General Trapaud transferred to the 52nd Regiment. He lived to be the senior General in the Army, and dying on 3rd May 1801,was buried at Chelsea.
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