General John Parslow
John Parslow was for many years an officer in The 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, in which Corps he rose to the rank of Captain and Lieutenant Colonel on the 18th May 1747. On 28th April 1758 King George II conferred upon him the Colonelcy of The 70th Regiment.
He does not seem to have shown much distinction when with the 70th and there is no record of his making any form of protest when its four strongest companies were ordered in April 1760 to proceed “on command” to the East Indies to form the nucleus of a New Regiment, afterwards numbered the 96th. Shortly afterwards Colonel Parslow was transferred to the Colonelcy of The 54th Regiment.
He was promoted to the rank of Major General in 1761, to Lieutenant General in 1770, and General in 1782. He was removed to The 30th Regiment in April 1770. He died at Bath on the 15th of November 1786.